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1307-1311 Liberty St
KCMO, MO, 64102
United States


Good Ju Ju was voted "Kansas City's Best Antique & Vintage Store" three years in a row from multiple Kansas City media outletsGood JuJu was also voted one of the "Best Antique Stores - Coast to Coast" by Flea Market Style magazine. 

Good Ju Ju is an event venue in KC's historic West Bottoms area, and we're only open one weekend a month on "First Friday" weekends.  

We're known for having all the cool, fun, vintage, retro and antique goods from the 1880's to the 1980's!

Good Ju Ju Blog

Welcome to the Good Ju Ju blog.  We hope this will inform you, entertain you, make you laugh, smile and maybe even shock you a little.  It's here for a lot of reasons, but mostly to include you as part of our vintage and antique family.  So subscribe to our blog and we'll send you updates when we post new info.


Almost Anything Can Be a Planter

Good JuJu

Summer time and cleaning out the garage can bring many creative items to your flower beds. It’s so easy to make an old bucket, galvanized tub, wheelbarrel or about anything else into a cut garden planter.

Just drill a hole in the base for drainage, put rocks in the bottom of the bucket so your plants don't get over watered, then you’re ready to plant. I love using old buckets for herbs as well.  Bonus - many of these old pails are easy to move around if the handle is still attached!

Anything can be a planter
Wheelbarrel Planter
Galvanized Pail for Planter
Old Buckets as Planters