Our next event is February 7th and 8th 9-6

Contact Us

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1307-1311 Liberty St
KCMO, MO, 64102
United States


Good Ju Ju was voted "Kansas City's Best Antique & Vintage Store" three years in a row from multiple Kansas City media outletsGood JuJu was also voted one of the "Best Antique Stores - Coast to Coast" by Flea Market Style magazine. 

Good Ju Ju is an event venue in KC's historic West Bottoms area, and we're only open one weekend a month on "First Friday" weekends.  

We're known for having all the cool, fun, vintage, retro and antique goods from the 1880's to the 1980's!


Newsletter Signup

Join now, it's free!  If you do, you'll get advance notice of sales, sneak peeks of upcoming events and invitations to bonus sale events and giveaways.  You can unsubscribe at any time and we NEVER sell, rent, trade, or repurpose your privacy.  Period. 

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