Directions to Good Ju Ju - Kansas City's Best Antique and Vintage Store
How Do I Get to Good Ju Ju and Where Do I Park?
Our address is 1420 W. 13th Ter, Kansas City, Mo. 64102
To get your own directions from Google Maps, click here and enter your starting point.
Directions from the North:
Take I-35 South into downtown KC (along the North edge of downtown, near River Market). Exit at 12th Street. At the top of the exit ramp, turn right. Go about 1/4 mile to the bottom of the bridge (hill) and take the first left (Liberty Street). From here we're about 200 yards up the street on your left. You won't be able to see Good Ju Ju until you are right in front of it. The largest parking area in the West Bottoms antique district is just past our store on the South side of the building.
Directions from the South:
Take I-35 North to the 12th Street exit, just West of downtown KC (near Bartle Hall). At the top of the exit ramp, turn left at the light. (You'll be able to see our building at this point. We're in the John Deere Plow Building, with the John Deere name painted around the top). At the bottom of the bridge (hill), take the first left (Liberty Street). Good Ju Ju is about 80 yards up the street on your left. Lots of parking on the South side of the building
Directions from the East:
Take I-70 West into downtown KC towards Bartle Hall. When you get near Downtown, stay in the left lane and merge onto I-670 West (I-70 Alt). Once you go underneath Bartle Hall on I-670, you'll take the 1st exit for Wyoming St. (Same exit as for Kemper Arena & American Royal). This is about 1/4 mile past Bartle Hall. (You'll be able to see our building at this point. We're in the John Deere Plow Building, with the John Deere name painted around the top). At the bottom of the exit ramp follow the signs to Good Ju Ju. You'll turn right, then right, then right, all in quick succession. Lots of parking on the South side of the building
Directions from the West:
Take I-70 East to I-670 East toward downtown KC. Take the exit for Wyoming St. (Same exit as for Kemper Arena & American Royal). At the bottom of the exit ramp, turn left. Follow the Good Ju Ju signs. You'll take your first right and another immediate right. We're about 80 yards ahead of you. Lots of parking on the South side of the building.
Parking at Good Ju Ju
There is parking all over the West Bottoms area. Most of the parking in the West Bottoms is free, but there are a few paid parking lots. One of the largest free parking lots in the West Bottoms is right next us on the South side of our building, under the I-670 overpass. If you find our building, you'll find this lot easily. Click on the image below to enlarge it.